Cancer is unfortunately a disease that we all need to be aware of in our pets. It can present itself in many different forms and types.
Important Pet Cancer Facts:
Cancer accounts for nearly 50% of all disease-related deaths each year.
Cancer is the #1 natural cause of death in older pets.
Dogs get cancer at roughly the same rate as humans.
One in 4 dogs die of cancer.
Over 50% of the dogs over age 10 will die of cancer.
Just like in humans, cancer can occur in virtually any part of your dog’s body.
Approximately 1 in 4 dogs develops a tumor of some kind during his or her lifetime.
The cause of cancer in pets, just like people, is largely unknown.
Common risks of obesity in pets include many forms of cancer.
While cancer is not as common in cats as it is dogs, it is often more aggressive.
Treatments are available for pets with cancer; if you have any questions about these treatments ask your veterinarian today!